Welcome to HortusMed Wellness Center

HortusMed Wellness Center

We offer a range of wellness programs that integrate holistic health, traditional medicine, cultural heritage, and nature adventures. Our services follow a holistic approach that combine health education, traditional and complementary medicine, personal care and beauty, healthy nutrition, and physical activities to create a transformative wellness experience for our customers. We provide several packages to meet our customers' preferences, including garden tours with creative activities, healthy healing, wellness for couple, family bonding, stay young and healthy, senior wellness, and holistic wellness.

Special Offers

This service provides access for the community to more healthy, fit and happy, by taking part in educational tourism and fitness package. Offers various activities in the form of plant garden tours medicine, herbal learning, healthy eating patterns, yankestrad, as well project class, designed in various package variants HortusMed Tour and Wellness Packages.


Hortusmed Tour

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Wellnes Packages

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  • All
  • Hortusmed Tour
  • Wellnes Packages
  • Hotel & GroundCamp
  • Facility

jeep tour

jeep tour

Cafe jamu rosmarin

Cafe jamu rosmarin

Aromatic Gargen Tour

Aromatic Gargen Tour at Tlogodringo

Educational Tour

tlogodringo nursery

aroma terapy garden

outboned space

cafe jamu

yoga space

yoga space


project class

About Us

HortusMed Wellness Center is part of Traditional Healthcare Unit by Sardjito Hospital. We are specializes in providing health services using traditional medicine. Our activities include treating patients with herbal medicine (jamu) and other traditional healing methods, conducting medicinal plant cultivation, post-harvest processing to provide good quality herbal products, performing laboratory analysis on plant materials or extracts, organizing training or internship programs, and providing wellness tourism services.


HortusMed Wellness Center located in Tawangmanggu, Karanganyar, Center Java Province of indonesia. Tawangmangu is a popular tourist destination situated in the slopes of Mount Lawu. It is well known by its captivating beauty, with a mountainous area that boasts lush pine forests, waterfalls, horticultural plantations, and refreshing cool air. In addition to its natural attractions, Tawangmangu is also famous for its cultural landmarks, such as temples and batik village, as well as exciting hiking trails.

Meet the Team

Our team consists of qualified and motivated professionals who are experts in their respective fields, including:

  • medical doctors
  • pharmacists
  • nutritionists
  • therapist, nurse
  • health promotors
  • health/laboratory analyst
  • botanists
  • agricultural practitioners
  • others

With many years of experience in both traditional medicine research and health services, we have the expertise necessary to provide excellent service to our clients.



Jl. Raya Lawu No 11 Kalisoro Tawangmangu, Kab Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

Info dan Reservasi (WhatsApp)

0811 2530 500

Call Us

0271 697010